Uremet Corporation, a leading manufacturer of high quality, high performance solid polyurethane industrial wheels, recently announced its safety workshops for 2010. These workshops were originally developed for Amusement Industry Manufacturers & Suppliers International (AIMS), the leading provider of safety training, education and certification for amusement industry personnel. The classes, titled “Be Safe: Know Your Wheels” are designed to educate customers about the physical properties of polyurethane, the common causes of wheel failure and Uremet’s recommended inspection techniques. Uremet classes are also a part of the education program every year at NAARSO (National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials), a non-profit organization that also provides resources for amusement industry professionals dedicated to the safety of the industry.
Workshops, known for the comprehensive and informative curriculum, cover in-depth analysis and discussion on topics such as bearings and seals, lubricants, wheel hub inspection, urethane physical properties, modes of wheel failure, tread inspection tips and more.
“Be Safe: Know Your Wheels” will again be part of the safety seminar held at AIMS in November this year in Orlando, Florida in conjunction with the IAAPA Expo. The class will also be part of 2010 Safety Forum at NAARSO.
Greg Stevens, Head of Research and Development for Uremet Corporation, stated “As a contribution to the continued education and safety within the amusement industry, Uremet also offers this 90 minute question and answer class to customers at their facility, free of charge.” If you are interested in scheduling an onsite class, please contact Uremet at info@uremet.com.